الصحف الأمريكية: رومنى الأقرب لمنافسة أوباما على رئاسة أمريكا بعد فوزه الساحق فى الانتخابات التمهيدية بورتوريكو.. واستمرار عمليات الطائرات بدون طيار تعرقل استئناف العلاقات الأمريكية – الباكستانية
American newspapers: Romney's closest rival for the presidency Obama America after his overwhelming victory in the primaries, Puerto Rico .. And the continued operations of UAVs impede the resumption of U.S. relations - Pakistan

نيويورك تايمز..
عمليات الطائرات بدون طيار تعرقل استئناف العلاقات الأمريكية – الباكستانية
ذكرت صحيفة "نيويورك تايمز" الأمريكية اليوم، الاثنين، أن الولايات المتحدة وباكستان تسعيان إلى استئناف علاقاتهما المتوترة عقب عام كامل من تعرضها لأزمات خطيرة، إلا أن عمليات طائرات بدون طيار ستقف عائقا أمام هذه العلاقات.
وفى تقرير أوردته على موقعها الإلكترونى، قالت الصحيفة "إن الولايات المتحدة شنت عشر عمليات بطائرات دون طيار فى وزيرستان هذا العام، سبعة منها لحماية القوات، حيث استهدفت مقاتلى طالبان خلال توجههم إلى ساحة المعركة فى أفغانستان".
وأضافت "أنه بالنسبة للإدارة الأمريكية التى تواجه جهود حربا متعثرة وحلفاء معدومى الثقة فى أفغانستان، فإن الغارات الجوية السرية التى يقودها جهاز الاستخبارات الأمريكى (السى آى إيه)، وتستهدف شمال وجنوب وزيرستان فى شمال شرق باكستان اكتسبت أهمية جديدة".
ونوهت الصحيفة بأهمية طائرات بدون طيار، حيث إنها السبيل الأمثل لاستهداف كبار قادة تنظيم القاعدة والتى استهدفت اثنين منهم فى يناير الماضى، كما تمارس دورًا حيويًا وفعالا فى مكافحة التسلل عبر الحدود من ملاجئ حركة طالبان داخل باكستان.
ونقلت الصحيفة عن مسئول أمريكى بارز - طلب عدم ذكر اسمه - قوله "يتعين علينا حماية القوات والمعدات وجمعيها تقريبا يتكدس فى وزيرستان".
وقالت "نيويورك تايمز" الأمريكية إن عمليات (سى آى إيه) لا تحظى الآن بشعبية فى باكستان، وقد تقف عائقا خلال الأيام القادمة أمام جهود إحياء العلاقات الدبلوماسية مع واشنطن فى الفترة القادمة والتى تجمدت منذ أربعة شهور".
وأضافت "أن الرئيس الباكستانى آصف على زردارى سيعقد غدا، الثلاثاء، جلسة خاصة فى البرلمان تهدف إلى تحسين العلاقات المتوترة مع واشنطن والتى توقفت فى أعقاب مقتل 24 جنديا باكستانيا على أيدى طائرات حربية أمريكية بالقرب من الحدود الأفغانية فى نوفمبر الماضى، مما أدى إلى غضب شعبى عارم توج فترة توقف العلاقات وأيضا حملة (سى آى إيه) والكوماندوز فى لاهور، التى استهدفت قائد تنظيم القاعدة أسامة بن لادن مما أدى إلى مصرعه".
ونقلت الصحيفة عن شيرى رحمان سفير باكستان لدى واشنطن قوله "نرغب فى أن تتسم علاقتنا بواشنطن بالشفافية والواقعية".
كما يأمل مسئولون أمريكيون فى أن تمهد المناقشة البرلمانية الباكستانية الطريق لإعادة العلاقات إلى طبيعتها بحلول الشهر القادم وفك الحصار على خطوط الإمداد التابعة لقوات حلف شمال الأطلسى وتعزيز الجهود المتعثرة لإقناع حركة طالبان الأفغانية بالمشاركة فى محادثات سلام.
ونقلت الصحيفة عن نزار على خان قائد المعارضة فى البرلمان قوله "طائرات بدون طيار تقتل أشخاصا أبرياء من بينهم أطفال ونساء، ويتعين على واشنطن إيقافها".
ونسبت الصحيفة لمسئولين أمريكيين قولهم إن (سى آى إيه) يتخذ كافة الاحتياطات اللازمة للحد من المخاطر التى قد يتعرض لها المدنيون، كما أكدوا أن هذه الهجمات تستهدف وتقتل أيضا المسلحين فى باكستان.

واشنطن بوست..
رومنى الأقرب لمنافسة أوباما على رئاسة أمريكا بعد فوزه الساحق فى الانتخابات التمهيدية بورتوريكو
ذكرت صحيفة "واشنطن بوست" الأمريكية أن مرشح الحزب الجمهورى ميت رومنى حقق انتصارا ساحقا فى الانتخابات التمهيدية للحزب فى بورتوريكو، مما يعطيه دفعا جديدا نحو السباق إلى البيت الأبيض.
وفاز حاكم ماساتشوستس السابق بأكثر من 83.4% من الأصوات بحسب اللجنة الانتخابية فى هذه الجزيرة فى البحر الكاريبى الخاضعة لسيادة الولايات المتحدة منذ 113 عاما.
وحل منافسه الأبرز ريك سانتوروم فى المرتبة الثانية مع 7.7% من الأصوات بحسب النتائج النهائية التى أعلنت فى وقت متأخر من ليل الأحد. أما الرئيس السابق لمجلس النواب نيوت جينجريتش فحصل على 2% فقط متقدما بفارق ضئيل على رون بول الذى حصل على 1.1%.
وأعلن رومنى فوزه قائلا إن سكان بورتورويكو يريدون انتخاب رئيس يتمتع بالخبرة ويؤمن لهم وظائف.
وصرح رومنى فى بيان "مع سكان يفوق عددهم ذلك الموجود فى 22 ولاية، تساهم الجزيرة بطرق عدة فى حيوية بلدنا".
وقال إن "العمل على تحسين الوضع الاقتصادى فى هذه الجزيرة سيكون من الأهداف المهمة لولايتى الرئاسية".
ويمثل جزيرة بورتوريكو 20 مندوبا فقط فى مؤتمر الحزب الجمهورى المقرر فى أغسطس إلا أن مرشحى الحزب عملوا جاهدين على استمالة الناخبين فيها خصوصا وان أصوات المتحدرين من أصول أسبانية ستكون حاسمة على ما يبدو فى الانتخابات الرئاسية.
The New York Times ..Unmanned aircraft operations impede the resumption of U.S. relations - PakistanThe
newspaper "The New York Times," America today, Monday, the United
States and Pakistan are trying to resume their relations strained after a
full year of exposure to serious crises, but the operations of unmanned
aerial vehicles will stand an obstacle to these relations.
In a report reported on its website, the newspaper said "The United States launched a ten operations drone in Waziristan this year, seven of them for the protection of forces, targeting Taliban fighters during their way to the battlefield in Afghanistan."
She added, "that for the U.S. administration facing the efforts a war dogs and allies Mtmy confidence in Afghanistan, the air strikes secret, led by a U.S. intelligence (CIA), targeting North and South Waziristan, in northeast Pakistan has gained new importance."
The newspaper noted the importance of unmanned aerial vehicles, as it is the best way to target senior al Qaeda leaders, which targeted two of them in January, also exercises a vital and effective role in combating cross-border infiltration of Taliban sanctuaries inside Pakistan.
The newspaper quoted a senior U.S. official - who requested anonymity - said, "we must protect troops, equipment and almost all counting ragged in Waziristan."
The "New York Times," The U.S. operations (CIA) are not popular now in Pakistan, has been an obstacle in the coming days in front of efforts to revive diplomatic relations with Washington in the coming period, which were frozen for four months. "
She added, "Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, a special session of parliament aimed at improving strained relations with Washington, which stalled in the wake of the deaths of 24 Pakistani soldiers at the hands of U.S. warplanes near the Afghan border last November, which led to the anger of the people of overwhelming crowned downtime and also relations campaign (CIA) and the commandos in Lahore, targeting al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, which led to his death. "
The newspaper quoted Sherry Rehman, Pakistan's ambassador to Washington as saying "We want our relationship to be characterized by transparency and realism in Washington."
U.S. officials also hope the parliamentary debate to pave the way for Pakistan's relations back to normal by next month and lifting the siege on the supply lines of the NATO forces and strengthen the stalled efforts to persuade the Taliban to participate in peace talks.
The newspaper quoted Nizar Ali Khan opposition leader in parliament, saying, "drones kill innocent people including children and women, and Washington should stop it."
The newspaper quoted the officials as saying that the U.S. (CIA) take all necessary precautions to reduce the risks that might be exposed to civilians, and stressed that these attacks target and kill militants in Pakistan also.
The Washington Post ..Romney's closest rival for the presidency Obama America after his overwhelming victory in the primaries, Puerto RicoThe newspaper "Washington Post" that the U.S. Republican Party candidate Mitt Romney won a landslide victory in the primaries of the party in Puerto Rico, which gives new impetus to the race to the White House.
The former Massachusetts governor won more than 83.4% of the vote, according to the Election Commission in this island in the Caribbean under the sovereignty of the United States 113 years ago.
And solve the most prominent opponent Rick Santorum in second place with 7.7% of the vote, according to final results announced at the late Sunday night. The former chairman of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich and got only 2% ahead of the little Ron Paul who got 1.1%.
Romney announced his victory, saying that people Portoroico want to elect a president with experience and provides them jobs.
Romney said in a statement "with the population's more than that found in 22 states, the island in many ways contribute to the vitality of our country."
"The work on improving the economic situation in this island will be an important objective of presidential mandates."
The island of Puerto Rico, only 20 delegates at the Republican convention scheduled in August, but the party's candidates have worked hard to woo voters, especially that the voices of the descendants of Spanish assets will be crucial to what appears in the presidential election.
In a report reported on its website, the newspaper said "The United States launched a ten operations drone in Waziristan this year, seven of them for the protection of forces, targeting Taliban fighters during their way to the battlefield in Afghanistan."
She added, "that for the U.S. administration facing the efforts a war dogs and allies Mtmy confidence in Afghanistan, the air strikes secret, led by a U.S. intelligence (CIA), targeting North and South Waziristan, in northeast Pakistan has gained new importance."
The newspaper noted the importance of unmanned aerial vehicles, as it is the best way to target senior al Qaeda leaders, which targeted two of them in January, also exercises a vital and effective role in combating cross-border infiltration of Taliban sanctuaries inside Pakistan.
The newspaper quoted a senior U.S. official - who requested anonymity - said, "we must protect troops, equipment and almost all counting ragged in Waziristan."
The "New York Times," The U.S. operations (CIA) are not popular now in Pakistan, has been an obstacle in the coming days in front of efforts to revive diplomatic relations with Washington in the coming period, which were frozen for four months. "
She added, "Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, a special session of parliament aimed at improving strained relations with Washington, which stalled in the wake of the deaths of 24 Pakistani soldiers at the hands of U.S. warplanes near the Afghan border last November, which led to the anger of the people of overwhelming crowned downtime and also relations campaign (CIA) and the commandos in Lahore, targeting al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, which led to his death. "
The newspaper quoted Sherry Rehman, Pakistan's ambassador to Washington as saying "We want our relationship to be characterized by transparency and realism in Washington."
U.S. officials also hope the parliamentary debate to pave the way for Pakistan's relations back to normal by next month and lifting the siege on the supply lines of the NATO forces and strengthen the stalled efforts to persuade the Taliban to participate in peace talks.
The newspaper quoted Nizar Ali Khan opposition leader in parliament, saying, "drones kill innocent people including children and women, and Washington should stop it."
The newspaper quoted the officials as saying that the U.S. (CIA) take all necessary precautions to reduce the risks that might be exposed to civilians, and stressed that these attacks target and kill militants in Pakistan also.
The Washington Post ..Romney's closest rival for the presidency Obama America after his overwhelming victory in the primaries, Puerto RicoThe newspaper "Washington Post" that the U.S. Republican Party candidate Mitt Romney won a landslide victory in the primaries of the party in Puerto Rico, which gives new impetus to the race to the White House.
The former Massachusetts governor won more than 83.4% of the vote, according to the Election Commission in this island in the Caribbean under the sovereignty of the United States 113 years ago.
And solve the most prominent opponent Rick Santorum in second place with 7.7% of the vote, according to final results announced at the late Sunday night. The former chairman of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich and got only 2% ahead of the little Ron Paul who got 1.1%.
Romney announced his victory, saying that people Portoroico want to elect a president with experience and provides them jobs.
Romney said in a statement "with the population's more than that found in 22 states, the island in many ways contribute to the vitality of our country."
"The work on improving the economic situation in this island will be an important objective of presidential mandates."
The island of Puerto Rico, only 20 delegates at the Republican convention scheduled in August, but the party's candidates have worked hard to woo voters, especially that the voices of the descendants of Spanish assets will be crucial to what appears in the presidential election.